Panna Tiger Reserve:- Panna Tiger Reserve is located in Panna district of Madhya Pradesh and Panna National Park located in Chhatarpur district of India. In 1981 it has been declared as a wildlife sanctuary. Panna Tiger Reserve is the 22nd tiger reserve in India and the 5th tiger reserve in Madhya Pradesh. Panna Tiger Reserve is located in the Vindhachal mountain range and extends from Panna district to Chhatarpur district in the north of the state of Madhya Pradesh.
See MoreDiamond Mines:- India's largest diamond mine is present in Panna. Which is a large group of diamonds, on a branch of the Vindhachal mountain range, up to 240 km in the north-east. The only organized product of diamond in India is from the Mazagon mine located in Panna. India used to be the only source of diamonds for more than 3000 years. Then there were no diamond deposits in Brazil and South Africa. Excavations are going on continuously since the 17th century from the mines located in Panna. The mining of diamonds is done by the National Mineral Development Corporation.
See MoreKhajuraho is a small town located in the Bundelkhand region (Chhatarpur District) of Madhya Pradesh and is famous for groups of Hindu and Jain temples. These temples are a UNESCO World Heritage Site for their beautiful and erotic rock carvings. Khajuraho has the Vindhya range of mountains as its beautiful backdrop. This makes Khajuraho a more fascinating destination to visit Khajuraho is also gateway to the Wildlife / Tiger circuit of Madhya Pradesh with Panna located just 46 km
See MorePandav Falls and Pandav Caves are located in Panna city of Madhya Pradesh. This place is a beautiful place located in the Panna Tiger Reserve forest area. This place is comprised of natural, historical and religious places. There is a beautiful waterfall here.
See MoreBrihaspati Kund is near Kalinjar Fort in Panna district of Madhya Pradesh, which is located 6KM from Pahadi Kheda village. Brihaspati Kund is directly related to Dev Guru Brihaspati who established his ashram at this place and also used to perform Yagya here.
See MoreKen Sanctuary:- Ken Sanctuary is a famous place near Khujraho in Chhatarpur district of Madhya Pradesh. Where this sanctuary has been established to save the gharials from the country. The 45 km long river flows in the area of Ken Gharial Sanctuary.
See Moreमध्य प्रदेश के पन्ना जिले मे स्थित जुगल किशोर जी मंदिर का निर्माण बुन्देलखण्ड राज्य के चौथे शासक हिंदूपत सिंह मे अपने शासनकाल के समय सन् 1758 से 1778 तक किया गया था कहाँ जाता है कि जुगल किशोर जी की मूर्ति जो गर्भगृह में रखी है उसे ओरछा के रास्ते इसे वृन्दावन से पन्ना जिले लाया गया था।
See MoreBenisagar Lake is a beautiful tourist destination located in the middle of Panna City in Madhya Pradesh. Benisagar Lake is a beautiful lake in Panna city. This lake is located in the middle of Panna city.
See MoreRaneh Falls :- Raneh Falls is a natural waterfall located in the Ken river in Chhatarpur district of Madhya Pradesh state of India. The Ken River forms a 3 mil long and 98 ft deep canyon, which is made of pure crystalline granite in shades of red and pink and gray.
See MoreDundhwa Falls, one of the famous tourist spots, is located inside the Panna National Park. The falls are surrounded by thick vegetation and serve as a relaxing point for tourists while exploring the forest
See MoreChand Silver Waterfall Located in Powai full of natural beauty, Chand Silver Falls is surrounded by dense forests. This waterfall is present in Powai, Panna district of Madhya Pradesh. The water falling from the Silver Falls and the beauty of the moon valley and mountains surrounded by green forests is very attractive to see.
See MoreDharam Sagar - a new chapter in the making of Panna. Dharam Sagar, one of the oldest Lake of Panna, was a natural Lake as it served as a catchment area of the water flowing down
See MoreSituated in the outskirts of the Panna City in the Purana Panna area is the beautiful Kaua Seha waterfalls on the Kilkila River. This place is a heaven for Nature Lovers
See Moreमां कलेही पवई नगर से दो किलोमीटर की दूरी पर पतने नदी के तट पर विराजमान है, इस स्थान की छटा बड़ी मनोरम है। वैसे तो यहां वर्ष भर दर्शनार्थियों का तांता लगा रहता है, चैत्र नवरात्र में तो यहां विशाल मेला लगता है, जिसका प्रमाण तकरीबन पांच सौ वर्ष पुराना है।
See MoreA walk around the premises of Swami Pran Nath Temple, also known as Prannathji Temple, in the Panna district of Madhya Pradesh.
See Moreचौमुख नाथ मंदिर मध्यप्रदेश के पन्ना जिले में सालेहा के पास नचना कुठार गाव के पास है ये शिवली "चौमुखनाथ " लगभग सातवीं आठवीं शताब्दी में प्रतिहार राजवंशों के शासनकाल में बना चौमुखनाथ मंदिर भारत का एकमात्र ऐसा शिवलिंग है
See Moreवैष्णो माता मन्दिर शाहनगर तहसील के सुंगरहा नामक गांव के पास माता का ऊँची पहाडी पर भव्य मंदिर है।
See MoreGanga Jhiriya Picnic Place, Ganga Jhiriya Loard Shiv Mandir (गंगा झिरिया ॐ नमः शिवाय मंदिर), Ganga Jhiriya Loard Hanuman Mandir.
See Moreश्री श्री 1008 बलदेव जी का मंदिर मध्य प्रदेश के पन्ना जिले मे स्थित है, यह बहुत ही प्रसिद्ध मंदिर है। इस मंदिर में भगवान श्री कृष्ण के बड़े भाई प्रभु बलदेव जी की भव्य प्रतिमा विराजमान है। भगवान बलदेव जी की प्रतिमा शालिग्राम की शिला से बनी हुई है।
See Moreश्रीराम और अगस्त मुनि का मिलन स्थल मध्य प्रदेश के पन्ना जिले में स्थित सिद्धनाथ आश्रम वह स्थान है. जहां वनवास पर निकले प्रभु श्रीराम की मुलाकात अगस्त्य मुनि से हुई थी. इस आश्रम में राम ने लंबा समय बिताया था. इस आश्रम में आज भी भगवान राम से जुड़ी कई निशानियां मौजूद है.
See Moreतेन्दुघाट डेम केन नदी पर बना पन्ना जलसंसाधन विभाग द्वारा बनाया गया बहुत बड़ा बांध है | यह बांध पन्ना जिला के मुख्यालय से 105 किलोमीटर दुरी पर शाहनगर तहसील के शाहपुर कलां गांव के निकट स्थित है |
See MoreJust beside the giant mausoleum of the king stands the mausoleum/cenotaph of his queen too. The architectural features of this mausoleum are quite different from that of other mausoleums in the City. ...
See MoreThis is the name which I think best suits this monument because this mausoleum has chaubis(24) darwaazas(gates). Situated behind the Queen's mausoleum on pahad koti this mausoleum is quite hidden and ...
See MoreThis mausoleum/cenotaph situated on pahad koti in the northeastern side of Dharam Sagar lake is Panna's biggest mausoleum in size and also the most beautiful one. It belongs to either HirdeShah, the f...
See MoreJust beside the Kamlabai Taal in the Panna Bypass Road Stands the mausoleum of Kamlabai. This one and the Queen's mausoleum near Dharam Sagar are most probably the only 2 mausoleums of female personal...
See MorePanna - Where the ancient coexists with and overshadows the modern. You might have seen this giant mausoleum near the new collectorate building but do you know whom does it belongs to. This I was able...
See MorePanna from the time immemorial has always been a very holy land that has witnessed every phase of history, from the rock paintings to the Gupta Era temples, from Chandelas to the bundelas and from pa...
See MoreJanwar Castle is a unique skatepark located in Panna district of Madhya Pradesh. This skatepark has brought new life to the local children and youth sitting there.
See MoreChhatrasal Park is a beautiful and historical place located in Panna district of Madhya Pradesh. This park is built in the memory of King Chhatrasal. Chhatrasal was a legendary brave warrior and ruler.
See MoreThe District Archaeological Museum located in Panna district is a famous place that attracts history and culture lovers. This museum is a symbol of the rich cultural and historical heritage of Panna
See MoreAjaigarh or Ajaygarh Fort is listed among the top attractions of the region. It stands alone on a hilltop in the district of Panna and is easily accessible from Khajuraho. The fort is bordered by
See MoreThis is what locals call this beautiful temple now lying in ruins in DEVPARVAT near Ajaygarh of Panna district. This name traces its origin from the legend of Shri Ram who visited DEVPARVAT during his...
See Moreगाथा जलप्रपात:-गाथा जलप्रपात भारत के मध्य प्रदेश राज्य के पन्ना जिले में मौजूद है, जो भारत का 36वां सबसे ऊंचा जलप्रपात है। गाथा जलप्रपात की ऊंचाई 91 मीटर या 299 फीट है। इस जलप्रपात को 2 जुलाई 2010 को विश्व जलप्रपात श्रेणी में नामित किया गया था। गाथा जलप्रपात पन्ना जिले में राष्ट्रीय राजमार्ग 75 के पास स्थित है। गाथा जलप्रपात पन्ना जिले में केन नदी पर बना है।
See MoreSmaller rivers, typically tributaries of bigger rivers, are essential part of river eco-system. They hold the key to rejuvenation of big rivers. These small rivers are under multiple threats.
See MoreBariyarpur Dam is located in the Panna district of Madhya Pradesh, which is famous for its natural beauty and water management. This dam is built on the Banderdi River, which is very important for the water supply and irrigation of the area.
See MoreAncient Rock Painting, Panni Waterfall(पन्नी वॉटरफॉल, खिल्सरी कलडा), near Boliya, Kalda, Madhya Pradesh 488333
See MoreDhuandhar Waterfall & Valley (धुंधर वॉटरफॉल & वैली), Bachhaun, near Kalda, Madhya Pradesh 488333
See MorePanna Tiger Reserve, Benisagar Mohalla, Panna, Panna District, Madhya Pradesh, 488101
See Moreगंगऊ अभ्यारण्य Wildlife, Gangau Reservoir, Jhalar Khamariya, Madhya Pradesh 48844
See MoreHathi Dol, Jharna (हाथी डोल झरना) Near Village Vikram Pur, Madhya Pradesh 488441
See Moreगुलगंज किला (Gulganj Fort) मध्य प्रदेश के छतरपुर जिले में स्थित एक ऐतिहासिक किला है, जो अपने स्थापत्य, ऐतिहासिक महत्व और भव्यता के लिए प्रसिद्ध है। यह किला गुलगंज गाँव में स्थित है और क्षेत्र की समृद्ध ऐतिहासिक विरासत का प्रतीक है।
See Moreछतरपुर जिले की बड़ा मलहरा तहसील से मात्र 10 किलोमीटर की दूरी पर स्थित है प्रसिद्ध तीर्थस्थल 'भीमकुंड'। मध्यप्रदेश के बुंदेलखंड में स्थित यह स्थान प्राचीनकाल से ही ऋषियों, मुनियों, तपस्वियों एवं साधकों की स्थली रही है। वर्तमान समय में यह स्थान धार्मिक पर्यटन एवं वैज्ञानिक शोध का केंद्र भी बन हुआ है।
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