Panna district is a district of Madhya Pradesh. Which comes under Sagar Mandal. Its headquarter is located in Panna district. Panna district is known as Diamond City of India. In India, maximum diamond is found only in Panna. That's why it is known by the name of Heera Nagari, Panna district, popularly known as Heera Nagari, is a district in the state of Madhya Pradesh, which is located in the middle of the Vindhyachal mountain range from the north-east. Panna district is also known as Maharaja's city.
Panna district is famous for diamond mine and city of ancient beautiful temples, hence it is also known as city of temples. There are total 9 Tehsils in Panna District and 5 Blocks in Panna. Powai is the largest village of Panna district. Panna comes under one of the constituencies of Vidhan Sabha (230 Vidhan Sabha). The area of Panna district is 27135 square kilometer and the population of Panna is 10,16028 as per 2011 census.
Diamond Mines:- India's largest diamond mine is present in Panna. Which is a large group of diamonds, on a branch of the Vindhachal mountain range, up to 240 km in the north-east. The only organized product of diamond in India is from the Mazagon mine located in Panna. India used to be the only source of diamonds for more than 3000 years. Then there were no diamond deposits in Brazil and South Africa. Excavations are going on continuously since the 17th century from the mines located in Panna. The mining of diamonds is done by the National Mineral Development Corporation.
See MorePanna National Park:- It is a national park extending to Panna district and Chhatarpur district of Bundelkhand region of Madhya Pradesh state of India. Panna National Park was established in 1981 by the Government of India. The Ken river passing through Panna National Park adds to the beauty of the place. There is better arrangement of hotels and lodges for the stay of tree houses and people in Panna National Park. Panna National Park was recognized as a Biosphere Reserve on 25 August 2011.
See MorePanna district is a district of Madhya Pradesh. Which comes under Sagar Mandal. Its headquarter is located in Panna district. Panna district is known as Diamond City of India. In India, maximum diamond is found only in Panna. That's why it is known by the name of Heera Nagari, Panna district, popularly known as Heera Nagari, is a district in the state of Madhya Pradesh, which is located in the middle of the Vindhyachal mountain range from the north-east. Panna district is also known as Maharaja's city.
Panna National Park:- It is a national park extending to Panna district and Chhatarpur district of Bundelkhand region of Madhya Pradesh state of India. Panna National Park was established in 1981 by the Government of India.
Panna National Park, situated in Panna district of Madhya Pradesh in central India, is located on the banks of River Ken. This National Park has been awarded as the best maintained tourist friendly national park of the country by the Ministry of Tourism of India.
अजयगढ़ तहसील मध्य प्रदेश के पन्ना पन्ना जिला मुख्यालय से 30 KM की दूरी पर है, पन्ना जिले के अजयगढ़ तहसील को बहुत प्राचीन शहर मना जाता है, अजयगढ़ एक नगर पंचायत भी है। अजयगढ़ रियासत भारत की अन्य रियासतो मे से एक था। अजयगढ़ राज्य ब्रिटिया शासन के दौरान मौजूद था। इसकी स्थापना 1785 मे अजयगढ़ हुई थी। जिसकी राजधानी भी अजयगढ़ ही थी। इसकी स्थापना बुंदेला राजपूत गुमान सिह ने की थी
Pandav Falls and Pandav Caves are located in Panna city of Madhya Pradesh. This place is a beautiful place located in the Panna Tiger Reserve forest area. This place is comprised of natural, historical and religious places. There is a beautiful waterfall here. The height of Pandav Falls is 30 meters. The view here is very picturesque during the rainy season.
मध्य प्रदेश के पन्ना जिले मे स्थित जुगल किशोर जी मंदिर का निर्माण बुन्देलखण्ड राज्य के चौथे शासक हिंदूपत सिंह मे अपने शासनकाल के समय सन् 1758 से 1778 तक किया गया था कहाँ जाता है कि जुगल किशोर जी की मूर्ति जो गर्भगृह में रखी है उसे ओरछा के रास्ते इसे वृन्दावन से पन्ना जिले लाया गया था। भगवान जुगल किशोर जी के श्रृंगार मे जो आभूषण और पोशाक का उपयोग किया जाता है वो सभी बुंदेलखंडी शैली को दर्शाते है।
Raneh Falls :- Raneh Falls is a natural waterfall located in the Ken river in Chhatarpur district of Madhya Pradesh state of India. The Ken River forms a 3 mil long and 98 ft deep canyon, which is made of pure crystalline granite in shades of red and pink and gray. Many waterfalls are formed in this Raneh Falls in the rainy season, this waterfall is not perennial.
Ken Sanctuary:- Ken Sanctuary is a famous place near Khujraho in Chhatarpur district of Madhya Pradesh. Where this sanctuary has been established to save the gharials from the country. The 45 km long river flows in the area of Ken Gharial Sanctuary. The Ken Sanctuary is located near the city of Panna.