Panna district is a district of Madhya Pradesh. Which comes under Sagar Mandal. Its headquarter is located in Panna district. Panna district is known as Diamond City of India. In India, maximum diamond is found only in Panna. That's why it is known by the name of Heera Nagari, Panna district, popularly known as Heera Nagari, is a district in the state of Madhya Pradesh, which is located in the middle of the Vindhyachal mountain range from the north-east. Panna district is also known as Maharaja's city.
Panna district is famous for diamond mine and city of ancient beautiful temples, hence it is also known as city of temples. There are total 9 Tehsils in Panna District and 5 Blocks in Panna. Powai is the largest village of Panna district. Panna comes under one of the constituencies of Vidhan Sabha (230 Vidhan Sabha). The area of Panna district is 27135 square kilometer and the population of Panna is 10,16028 as per 2011 census.
Establishment of Panna: - In the year 1921, the municipality was formed in Panna. Then before 1st April 1949, Panna district used to be a part of Vindhya Pradesh. Which was merged with Madhya Pradesh on 1 November 1956. Sagar division was established in Panna district on 20 October 1972, before this Panna used to come under Rewa division.
Location of Panna:- Banda district in the north and Satna district in the east and Katni and Damoh district in the south and Chhatarpur district in the west.
Geographical location of Panna:- Panna district is in the state of Madhya Pradesh located in the center of India. Panna district is situated between its amazing geographical location 24°43' North and 80°12' East. Panna is situated at an altitude of 1332 feet (416 m) above sea level.
The land of Panna district is full of natural beauty surrounded by mountains, waterfalls, and dense forests in its lap. The beautiful Ken river passing through Panna, Panna National Park, Panna Tiger Reserve, doubles the beauty of this place. Special types of chausinga deer are found in Panna district. Panna district is also called the city of water tunnels. In Panna district, the water management of the princely state was very good. The arrangement for storing rain water was made by the kings here only two and a half hundred years ago. There are dozens of ponds in Panna distict.
पन्ना जिला मध्य प्रदेश एक जिला है | जो की सागर मंडल के अन्तर्गत आता है | इसका मुख्यालय पन्ना जिले में स्थित है | पन्ना जिला को डायमंड सिटी ऑफ़ इंडिया के नाम से जाना जाता है| भारत में सबसे ज्यादा हीरा पन्ना में ही मिलता है| इसलिए इसे हीरा नगरी के नाम सभी जाना जाता है , हीरा नगरी के नाम से प्रसिद्ध पन्ना जिला मध्य प्रदेश राज्य का एक जिला है जो उत्तर पूरब से विंध्याचल की पर्वत श्रृंखला के मध्य में स्थित है | पन्ना जिले को महाराजा के नगर के नाम से भी जाना जाता है |
पन्ना जिला हीरे की खान और प्राचीन सुन्दर मंदिरो की नगरी के लिए प्रसिद्ध है इसलिए इसे मंदिरो की नगरी के नाम से भी जाना जाता है | पन्ना जिले में कुल ९ तहसील है और पन्ना में कुल ५ ब्लॉक है | पन्ना जिला का सबसे बड़ा पवई गाँव है | पन्ना विधान सभा (२३० विधान सभा )का एक निर्वाचन क्षेत्र में आता है | पन्ना जिले का क्षेत्रफल २७१३५ वर्ग किलोमीटर और पन्ना की जनसंख्या १०,१६०२८ सन २०११ की जनगणना के अनुसार है |
पन्ना की स्थापना :-सन १९२१ में पन्ना में नगर पालिका का गठन हुआ था | फिर १ अप्रैल १९४९ के पहले पन्ना जिला विंध्य प्रदेश का हिस्सा हुआ करता था | जिसे १ नवंबर १९५६ को मध्य प्रदेश में मिलाया गया | पन्ना जिले को २० अक्टूबर १९७२ में सागर संभाग की स्थापना हुई इसके पहले पन्ना रीवा संभाग में आता था |
पन्ना की स्थिति :- उत्तर में बाँदा जिला व पूरब में सतना जिला और दक्षिण में कटनी और दमोह जिला तथा पश्चिम में छतरपुर जिला स्थित है|
पन्ना की भगौलिक स्थिति :- पन्ना जिला भारत देश के मध्य में स्थित मध्य प्रदेश राज्य में है| पन्ना जिला अपनी अदभूत भौगोलिक स्थति २४°४३' उत्तर तथा ८०°१२' पूर्व के बीच स्थित है | पन्ना की समुद्र ताल से ऊंचाई १३३२ फ़ीट (४१६ मीटर ) की ऊंचाई पर स्थित है |
पन्ना जिला की धरती अपने गोद में पर्वत ,झरना ,और घने जंगलो से घिरा हुआ प्राकृतिक सुंदरता से परिपूर्ण है | पन्ना से गुजरती सुन्दर केन नदी ,पन्ना नेशनल पार्क ,पन्ना टाइगर रिजर्व ,यहाँ की सुंदरता को दोगुना बढ़ा देते है | पन्ना जिला में खास प्रकार के चौसिंगा हिरण पाए जाते है | पन्ना जिला को जल सुरंगो की नगरी भी कहते है |पन्ना जिला में रियासतकालीन पानी का प्रबंध बहुत ही बेहतर था | बारिश के पानी को संचय करने की व्यवस्था यहाँ के राजाओ ने ढाई सौ वर्ष पूर्व ही की गई थी | पन्ना जिला में दर्जनों से तालाब है |
See MoreAjaygarh is a Tehsil in Panna District of Madhya Pradesh State, India. Ajaygarh Tehsil Head Quarters is Ajaygarh town. It belongs to Sagar Division. It is located 24 KM towards North from District head quarters Panna. 399 KM from State capital Bhopal towards west.
Amanganj is an Indian village located in Chhatarpur Tehsil and belongs to Chhatarpur district of Madhya Pradesh. Chhatarpur, Bada Malhera, Bijawar, Buxwaha, Chandla, Gaurihar etc. are the nearest towns / cities to Amanganj village.
Devendra Nagar is a city and a city council in Panna district in the state of Madhya Pradesh, India. Before the merger, it was part of the eastern coronation Ajaygarh. Devendra Nagar is known for its annual Kari festival in which children are known as Hindu deities and for visiting poor people to visit.
Gunnor is a tehshil and a municipal board in Panna district in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh. Gunnor has an average elevation of 118 metres (387 feet). Tons is the river on which banks Gunnor is situated,this river passes via Azamgarh before merging with Saryu is 7km from kanidpur
Pawai is a City in Pawai Tehsil in Panna District of Madhya Pradesh State, India. It belongs to Sagar Division. It is located 58 KM towards South from District head quarters Panna. It is a Tehsil head quarter.Pawai Pin code is 488446 and postal head office is Pawai (Panna).
Raipura is a town and a sub district or tehsil in Panna district . Raipura is situated at the border of katni and damoh. It is a junction of 3 distt. It is the only place in panna distt. Where the railway railway is very near about 5 km. and the place is known as salaiya. The distance between raipura and panna is about 113 km.
Shahnagar is a City in Shahnagar Tehsil in Panna District of Madhya Pradesh State, India. It belongs to Sagar Division. It is located 96 KM towards South from District head quarters Panna.Puraina(4KM), Khamtara(6KM), Nunagar(8KM), Rohaniya(9KM), Lamtara(12KM) are the nearby Villages to Shahnagar.
Simariya garhi is big village. Police station, Bank, School, College and hospital are there. This is a very peaceful Town. But Water supply and colonies road are the main problem of this town. Jagnnath Temple, Chandi Mata Temple, Doka Talwa temple and Near Dan Dai Temple is the main attraction of this place.